The Movie Database (TMDb)

Exploring through the lens of data

What is TMDb?

The Movie Database (TMDb) is a community built movie and TV database. Every piece of data has

been added by their community dating back to 2008. TMDb's strong international focus and

breadth of data is largely unmatched and something they're incredibly proud of. Put simply, they live

and breathe community and that's precisely what makes them different.

Current Stats

Here's a few that we found interesting. The TMDb doesn't only focus on movies. They also focus on

other features of data. Movies continue to be more popular than TV shows.




TV Shows


TV Seasons


TV Episodes






Edits Last Week

Analyzing the Data

Is there a trend throughout the years?

The year of the movie has a correlation to the amount of movie release. The movies are getting easier to make, but that

doesn't mean they are getting more profitable each year.

Which genre is most popular?

This is bar chart showing the current top movie genres with highest to lowest release. Each movie is tagged with a genre, and the genre

with the most release is what people like to watch the most. As you hover over each bar there is an annotation that shows the amount of releases.

What are the most searched keywords?

A visual showing a word cloud of all searched keywords for all the movies. The word cloud shows what the most popular keywords by

the word size. People are obviously interested in "woman director based on novel biography murder film".

What is the budget throughout the years?

The average budget of the movies gets higher and higher over the years. It means that movies cost more money to make. However,

there is a drop in budget in around 2008. It could mean that the movie is getting easier to make as technology advances.

Is there correlation between popularity and profit?

It makes sense that a popular movie makes more profit and the graph is showing a positive slope which supports the theory.

However, it is not always the case. You can see there are many movies that are less popular and still making a lot of profit.

There are also less popular movies make more profits than the more popular ones.

About this project

Our names are Justin Eugenio, and Minquan Li.

This was a final project for the first undergraduate data visualization course at CSUS, CSC 196V.

Special thanks to our professor Anna Baynes.

The Movie Database (TMDb) dataset from Kaggle has data on 10k+ movies from 1960-2015. Dataset features include popularity, budget, revenue, title, cast, homepage, director, overview, runtime, genres, production_companies, release_date, vote_count, and release_year.